The Liberating Doctrine of Grace Alone
1 Min Read
The Reformers’ tenacious insistence on grace alone is no relic of history. In this brief clip from his teaching series Reformation Truths, Michael Reeves reminds us that ultimate liberation is only found in the grace offered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Those who have accepted that God saves by His grace alone have found the message to be one of unutterably sweet liberation. Martin Luther wrote, "I felt I was altogether born again, and had entered paradise itself through open gates." And so it remains today. The Reformers' tenacious insistence on grace alone is no relic of the history books to be looked on with embarrassment as the sorry squabble of pernickety theologians. It remains as the only message of ultimate liberation, the message with the deepest power to make humans unfurl and flourish. By grace alone, all those who know themselves as failures can know not just a bit of enabling from God, helping them to do a little better. They can know a wholly new and victorious identity in Christ, which we'll consider very soon. They can know assurance, relief from guilt, and sweet intimacy with an almighty Father who cares for them. And knowing that, they begin to find a hearty desire rising up in them to follow the One who is the source of all grace and every good. You see, once they would've attempted holiness out of the desperate desire to earn eternal life. With this gospel, they do so out of a heart transformed to want Christ, to see the beauty of His kindness, His goodness, His generosity, and all His holy ways.