Islam: Download April’s Tabletalk for Free

The April issue of Tabletalk is out and we've made the digital edition free. Read it for free on iPad, select Android tablets, and Amazon's Kindle Fire. You can also download the ePub or MOBI version free from the store.
The April issue of Tabletalk considers Islam. Since originating in Arabia during the seventh century, Islam has expanded around the globe. Some estimates identify as much as twenty-three percent of the world’s population as being Muslim. Christianity has a long history of encountering and engaging Islam, whether through evangelization, military crusades, or even living under Islamic rule. In the modern era, many nations identify as Islamic, and Islam is growing in the West. To add, Islamic terrorism is a major force today. This issue of Tabletalk considers Islam’s history, our present circumstances, how Islam and Christianity relate to one another, and how Christians can share the gospel with Muslims.
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Here's a preview of what's coming up in Tabletalk over the coming months:
John 3:16
The May issue will consider each word and phrase of this verse as a way to understand the central truths of the gospel.
The June issue will address legalism's dangers and the delights of God's instruction for us in His law.
Doubt and Assurance
The July issue will look at doubt and assurance.
Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew.