Oct 12, 2023

Inmates Need the Hope of the Gospel. Will You Help?

2 Min Read

If you and I can see a great need for trusted Bible teaching in the church, imagine how great the need is behind prison walls.

We don’t have to imagine. Ligonier Ministries receives more than 800 letters every month from inmates in correctional facilities. Their requests for assistance are dire. As prisoners search for truth and purpose in their lives, many chaplains lack the resources to serve them. Bibles and faithful Christian study materials are scarce. But your support today can help.

Ligonier’s Prison Outreach exists to help inmates rebuild their lives on the truth of God’s Word. This is accomplished by supplying chaplains with discipleship resources such as the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, and books by Dr. R.C. Sproul. Through these resources, made available through the generous support of ministry friends like you, inmates are encountering the grace of the gospel and finding true freedom in Christ.

Just watch this video for a glimpse into the life-changing impact of providing trusted biblical materials to inmates in need.

More inmates are asking for help. While this partnership with chaplains represents one of Ligonier’s fastest-growing outreaches, the demand from correctional facilities continues to soar. To further scale this Prison Outreach, a generous donor has agreed to match combined gifts totaling $25,000. Every dollar you give will be matched, doubling your support, so that more men and women can be reached with the hope of the gospel.

Chaplain Bob Ishkanian recently shared how God is using Ligonier’s discipleship materials at a correctional institution in Punta Gorda, Florida:

“In only the past few months, dozens of men have come to Christ, having a faith that is truly grounded in the Lord. This is unheard of in the prison system. Much of this fruit is because of the resources made available from Ligonier. Praise God!”

By God’s grace, your generous support today can be matched to equip more chaplains with needed discipleship materials to serve the inmates under their care. Thank you for helping more incarcerated men and women know who God is, who they are, and how they can be saved through Jesus Christ alone.

By the way, If you know a correctional facility chaplain who would be interested in receiving Ligonier’s discipleship materials, please put them in contact with the team at prisonoutreach@ligonier.org. We would be honored to serve them with you.