Nov 12, 2021

Help Serve Generations to Come with Trusted Teaching

3 Min Read

You and I have mentors—wise people we look up to as we seek to faithfully serve the Lord. These mentors disciple us and point us continually to God and His gospel. I’ve learned over the years that this is one way the Lord passes on His truth from generation to generation. Timothy was taught God’s Word by his mother, grandmother, and the Apostle Paul (2 Tim. 1:3–7). Parents raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:4). Older men disciple younger men and older women the younger women (Titus 2:1–7).

This month, you have the opportunity to be mentored by sound Bible teachers when you give a gift of any amount. We’ll send you a special USB resource drive with six video teaching series, one from each of our Ligonier Teaching Fellows: Drs. Ferguson, Godfrey, Lawson, Nichols, Parsons, and Thomas.

Even before I joined Ligonier, I was mentored and discipled by Dr. R.C. Sproul and other faithful gospel preachers and teachers through Ligonier’s resources. By God’s grace, this mentorship and discipleship continues for people around the world today, even as your support makes the sound teaching of God’s Word accessible to millions of people every month.

God’s Word must be faithfully proclaimed in every generation. We can’t do this without learning from the church of all ages as we seek to hand on the faith once delivered to the saints. Certain eras such as the Protestant Reformation stand out. In that world-shaping generation, the Reformers stood for the gospel, publishing it with clarity, boldness, and urgency, and leaving an example for all who follow them.

I believe we are living in similarly history-shaping times as the Reformers. Can you sense it? In God’s providence, upheaval always precedes significant gospel renewal and progress.

Despite what we are told by the media, these are not uncertain times. As Christians, our future is secure. No virus, politician, or ideology can prevent the Lord Jesus from building His church.

Yet, we don’t know the unique challenges or the opportunities that may be around the corner. In response to what our ministry supporters like you have told us, we are doubling down on producing even more of the time-tested resources that have marked Ligonier Ministries for more than five decades. Only the unvarnished truth of Scripture and all its implications can bring about a global awakening to the gospel, which alone brings lasting hope to the world.

Ligonier is declaring that truth through our many outreaches, including teaching series by our Teaching Fellows. The USB drive you’ll receive this month as our thanks for your donation features video teaching from each of these gifted men. This is the first time we’re offering video teaching on a USB drive, and this resource isn’t available anywhere else.

You’ll watch Dr. Ferguson teaching on the person and work of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Godfrey delving into the riches of the Psalms, Dr. Lawson expounding on the doctrines of grace in the book of John, Dr. Nichols defending the trustworthiness of Scripture, Dr. Parsons outlining the Great Commission given by Christ to His church, and Dr. Thomas unfolding the glorious depths of the gospel in Romans 8—all on this special USB drive. We’ll also add these six teaching series to your Learning Library so you can begin streaming them right away.

In addition to producing new teaching series, we’re expanding our teaching offerings in other media. This includes new podcasts such as Ultimately with R.C. Sproul, print media, online learning, and much more. We’re even diligently shoring up our digital platforms so that we can continue reaching people around the globe if cancel culture decides to take aim at us. If you haven’t already, take a look at the first wave of upgrades we have made to our website,

Too many Christians around the world have little access to sound teaching. Too many pulpits are filled by men who are governed by the fear of people and not by the fear of God. You are playing a vital role in addressing these problems through our teaching outreaches. Every prayer and donation, large or small, advances this mission and reaches more people with existing and new teaching.

I started this email by talking about gospel mentors, and by God’s grace, you’re helping to mentor people in the gospel around the world through Ligonier’s teaching. What a privilege it is to see this happen through your support, and what an honor it is to play a part in equipping you to mentor and disciple others. Thank you for all that you do to advance the kingdom of God.