Help Ligonier Ministries Proclaim Truth for Today’s Inmates

A prominent yet often neglected theme in Scripture is God’s concern for the well-being of the downtrodden and marginalized in our societies. Along with the plight of the poor, the alien, the orphan, and the widow, the plight of the prisoner receives special attention in the Bible. The Old Testament prophets and poets declared the works of the God Who loosens the chains of prisoners. Jesus declared that His mission included proclaiming liberty to the captives. Early Christians were exhorted to remember and care for those in prison as if they themselves were imprisoned.
Each week Ligonier Ministries is blessed to receive many letters from inmates. The stories that they share are encouraging. There is a great hunger for the gospel within our nation’s prisons. Though behind bars, many inmates can attest that the truth of the gospel has set them free as they placed their faith in Christ and turned to Him for forgiveness and healing.
The stories prisoners tell are also sobering. Although many prisoners are searching for the truth, biblically sound resources are scarce. False teaching is rampant. Leaders often lack the training and materials they need in order to reach their fellow prisoners.
Despite these obstacles, we believe that Our Lord is at work raising up His Church behind the walls of our nation’s correctional institutions. Ligonier Ministries is responding to these opportunities and needs by providing subscriptions to Tabletalk magazine and select books by R.C. Sproul to inmates who are unable to purchase these resources. Will you help us?
The Goal: Raise $4K to Proclaim Truth for Today’s Inmates
Our goal is to raise $4,000 to fund this effort. For every $12 that you donate, you will send a one-year subscription of Tabletalk to an inmate. It is our hope that God will use this resource to make an impact on not only the heart and mind of the prisoner receiving the subscription, but also have an effect on their fellow inmates and their families.
Ivan: I am a urban missionary who grew up as a gang member, in and out of the juvenile hall system since 12 years old; started my prison term of five years at 18 years old (2001). But my life was changed by the writings of R.C. Sproul, which your ministry mailed to me during my incarceration. They shaped me into the missionary I am today. I am now married, have led mission projects in several Latin American countries, and travel to conferences leading workshops on gangs and preaching about the power of the gospel.
Cheryl: I really appreciate Ligonier Ministries and Tabletalk. My husband was incarcerated for quite a while and Tabletalk, along with a good study bible course and friends, helped change him into the man he is today. The Word and prayer are first in his life daily and I remember that over 25 years ago I couldn’t get him to go to church with me. So many things have changed with him from being a rebellious drug dealing young man to a God fearing man, one that wants to preach and teach the Word daily. I love God so much for what He has done with my husband and I am very thankful that Ligonier has been around for him also.
Nancy: I began visiting a young man on death row in January of this year. He was dramatically converted to Christ and is now so hungry for the Word and so excited about living for Christ. He mentioned to me that he needed guidance in daily Scripture reading and study - that he knew he needed to have a structured devotional time, but did not know where to start. So I ordered a subscription to Tabletalk for him, and when it arrived, he was thrilled! He was eager to discuss the material with me, and also began to share it with the other Christian inmates. Thank you for being part of a very important discipleship process for these precious souls!
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Isaiah 61:1 – The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.
Matthew 25:36 – I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
John 8:32 – And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Hebrews 13:3 – Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.