God in Our Midst — 99¢ eBook Sale
For a limited time Reformation Trust is making select titles even more accessible as we lower their eBook price to 99¢. Today, until November 29 2012, we are offering you one of our latest titles: God in Our Midst by Daniel Hyde. Depending on your preferred eReader, the Ligonier Store offers both an ePub version and a Kindle ready MOBI version.
Have you ever wondered if it is worth your time reading and studying God's instructions for the tabernacle found in the Old Testament? Daniel Hyde says it is and shows in God in Our Midst that the tabernacle narratives have much to teach us about God Himself, about sin, about redemption in Christ, and about how we are to live for God today. Furthermore, Hyde shows that these passages reveal Christ.
"...any serious Christian will also benefit from this book. It will not only open up previously undiscovered parts of the Bible, it will show you the wonderful unity of the Scriptures from start to finish. Above all, it will inspire you to seek communion with God through Jesus Christ, Immanuel, 'God with us.'"
—Dr. David P. Murray
Professor of Old Testamentand practical theology
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary,
Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Saturated with sound exegesis, helpful insights, pointed application, and warm devotion, God in Our Midst helps us to see in the tabernacle not merely pieces of furniture or sets of curtains, but Christ Himself, in the beauty of His holiness and the peace of His pardoning grace. This book will drive pastors from the study to the pulpit, and parishioners from study to worship."
—Rev. Brian Vos
Pastor, Trinity United Reformed Church
Caledonia, Michigan
God in Our Midst is currently on sale for 99¢ as both an ePub and a Kindle ready MOBI. Offer expires November 29, 2012.