Get R.C. Sproul's New Book for a Gift of Any Amount
There is an undercurrent of irrationalism in modern scientific writing. Despite scientific advances, "chance" is put forth as the cosmic power behind creation. As such, it's tempting to believe science is the enemy of faith.
I've met college students who, raised in the church, believe that the church is hostile to science. Countless students abandon the faith when they face "scientific" challenges to Christianity for which they aren't prepared.
These are our children—children who were raised in sound churches that teach the Bible but don't know how to equip youth to use categories of critical thinking when they meet people who attack Christianity in the name of science.
How should we respond to those who claim the universe arose by happenstance, that random mutations ages ago produced humanity? Do they intimidate us? They shouldn't. Christians have all the resources needed to answer skeptics (2 Cor. 10:3-5; 2 Tim. 1:7), and Ligonier Ministries comes alongside the church to help train believers to refute the myth of "chance".
Chance can't explain anything. It's a fable. It's philosophically impossible and scientifically groundless. It isn't true science, and we don't need advanced training to see why. We need only a few essential facts and the basics of logic to understand why chance accounts for nothing.
That is why I wrote Not a Chance. In this book, I argue that chance can't cause anything and that we don't need be afraid of "scientific" arguments. This is God's creation, so the facts are on our side, or better yet, His side.
With the help of Dr. Keith Mathison, I recently updated this book so that it considers new discoveries in science and responds to new arguments that "nothing" created all things. I believe this revised edition of Not a Chance can help you learn to find the flaws in bad scientific arguments and make us more effective witnesses for Jesus.
The revised edition of Not a Chance is yours this month for a donation of any amount to Ligonier Ministries. Your gift to our donor-supported work will put the book in your hands and sustain Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, Tabletalk magazine, Reformation Bible College, RefNet internet radio, and other teaching outreaches.
Please join with us to help defeat the myth of chance.
Note: Offer expires 10/31/14. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery after your gift is processed. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. For federal income tax purposes, the deductible portion of your charitable contribution is limited to the excess of the money contributed over the value of the goods provided. Our good faith estimate of the value of this resource is $19. Offer valid in U.S. and Canada only. Thank you for your support.