A Generation of Heroes
"'Satan watches for those vessels that sail without a convoy,' wrote Puritan pastor George Swinnock (1627–1673). Every individual knows he was created for community. Isolation is the Devil’s playground, and our Enemy is on the lookout for the Christian who thinks he can stand alone in independent isolation from the fellowship, accountability, and encouragement of faithful brothers and sisters."
This is how Burk Parsons begins his editorial introduction to this month's issue of Tabletalk, an issue that examines the need for fostering fraternity and real friendship within the community and the church. Burk continues, "Before the fall of man, even though the Lord God walked in close communion with Adam in the garden, our gracious and triune God knew it was not good for man to be alone (Gen. 2:18), and so God created someone who would meet Adam’s needs and relate to Adam in a way that, by design, God Himself did not."
Read the rest of "A Generation of Heroes."