Discover the Global Impact of Your Generosity
Growing in the knowledge of the holiness of God is a pursuit for every Christian, no matter how old you are, where you live, or what language you speak. Through your generous support, you are helping develop an extensive library of trustworthy discipleship resources for Christians everywhere. You make it possible for these resources to not only be distributed globally but also to be translated into many of the world’s most-spoken languages. Below are several recent examples of your generosity at work.
Reformation Study Bibles for Pastors in India
Through your generosity, more than 4,000 Reformation Study Bibles have been sent for pastors in India. We give thanks to God for opening this door at a time when the Indian government is increasingly restricting Christian activity in the country. Please join us in praying that these Bibles will be used by God to give strength and encouragement to His people in India.
New Dedicated-Language Website in Urdu
Thank you for making the launch of our Urdu website and social media channels possible. Urdu is the tenth most-spoken language in the world—spoken by more than 230 million people—and is the official language of the country of Pakistan. Many Urdu-speaking Christians face persecution for their faith in Christ. Please join us in praying that Ligonier’s Urdu Outreach will help them stand firm in the truth.
The Donkey Who Carried a King: Now Available in Ukrainian
Dr. R.C. Sproul’s children’s book The Donkey Who Carried a King has recently been published in Ukrainian. The publisher, based in Poland, shared, “Thousands of Ukrainian evangelicals have joined Polish churches, which has created a new need for Polish churches to provide resources for the Ukrainian children.” Thank you for helping equip the church during times of crisis.
5 Minutes in Church History: Podcast Now Available in Spanish
The Spanish edition of 5 Minutes in Church History is now available. Join Dr. Stephen Nichols each week on 5 Minutos en la Historia de la Iglesia as he travels back in time to look at the people, events, and places that have shaped the story of Christianity. Dr. Nichols’ book 5 Minutes in Church History has also been published in Korean for the first time.
Defending Your Faith: Now Available in Arabic
Dr. Sproul’s teaching series on classical apologetics, Defending Your Faith, has recently been dubbed in Arabic and is available for free on Ligonier’s dedicated Arabic website. This year, the series will be broadcast on satellite TV across the Middle East and North Africa. Please pray that God will use this series to equip Christians in these regions to give a reason for the hope within them (1 Peter 3:15).
Show Me Your Glory: Now Available in French
The French edition of Dr. Steven Lawson’s book Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God has recently been published. French is now the fifth most-spoken language in the world and is spoken by many, including millions of people in Africa. Learn more about Ligonier’s outreach to French-speaking Christians.
Explore & Share Our Dedicated-Language Websites
Ligonier is regularly adding translated and dubbed teaching to our websites in Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Urdu. We encourage you to share these dedicated-language websites widely so more people can benefit from these ever-expanding libraries of discipleship resources.