Dec 4, 2012

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, December 2012

2 Min Read

December TabletalkThe December edition of Tabletalk is out. This issue features articles examining the parable of the prodigal son. A rich and complex parable, the prodigal son addresses the elements of sin, forgiveness, love, and much more. While Jesus addressed the context in which He lived through this parable and the others recorded in Luke 15, its meaning and importance transcend His generation and apply to us today. The articles addressing the main characters of the narrative should treat each character as a sermon, demonstrating the theology of each individual chracter and how each one informs our Christian life.

Contributors include R.C. Sproul along with Thomas Schreiner, David Murray, John Sartelle, Allan Murray, Scotty Smith, R.C. Sproul Jr., Iain Campbell, David Mathis, Brian Tallman and T.D. Alexander.

We do not post all of the feature articles or the daily devotionals from the issue, so you'll have to subscribe to get those. But for now, here are links to several free columns and articles from this month:

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