Apr 2, 2015

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, April 2015

2 Min Read

The April issue of Tabletalk is out. This issue will consider shame. Shame isn't just a feeling; rather, men and women have true shame before God objectively and positionally. They've experienced this shame since Adam and Eve found themselves naked in the garden of Eden. Shame has hounded each of us since these early days, and it's pervasive in our culture. Despite this, the world often acts shameless when it should be ashamed. This issue of Tabletalk will seek to define and explain shame, how we experience it, and what we as Christians should do about it.

Contributors include R.C. Sproul along with Jeremy Pierre, James Coffield, Andrew Davis, Duncan Rankin, Michael Lawrence, Jay Bauman, Anthony Carter, Mez McConnell, and Rosaria Butterfield.

We do not post all of the feature articles or the daily devotionals from the issue, so you'll have to either purchase the issue or subscribe to get those. But for now, here are links to several free columns and articles from this month:

Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew. You save even more if you get a 2- or 3-year subscription (as little as $1.36 per issue). Get your subscription to Tabletalk today by calling one of Ligonier Ministries' resource consultants at 800-435-4343 or by subscribing online and receive immediate access to the digital edition.

Here's a preview of what's coming up in Tabletalk over the coming months:


The May issue will address the central importance of doctrine.

Thou Shalt: Rediscovering the Fullness of God's Commands

The June issue will expound on the Ten Commandments, emphasizing what each commandment requires and what each forbids according to the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

The Fifteenth Century

The July issue will help Christians better understand where we are today by looking at where we have been in the past.

Subscribe to Tabletalk today for only $23 a year, and $20 to renew.