Chosen by God: Available in Spanish

No Christian can ignore the topic of predestination, for the word appears on the pages of Scripture. The question, therefore, isn’t whether we believe in predestination but what we believe about it.
We’re pleased to announce that Dr. R.C. Sproul’s classic book Chosen by God is available in Spanish. Order the paperback edition of Ligonier’s new translation for yourself or a friend.
In these pages, Dr. Sproul examines the doctrine of election and its importance for understanding God, ourselves, and salvation. Rather than painting a whimsical or spiteful picture of God, the truth about His sovereignty in salvation highlights His astonishing love and mercy toward radically corrupt people like us.
Give someone this book that has helped countless Christians understand God’s gracious initiative in salvation, a reality that deepens our affection for the Savior and drives us to worship Him in humble, joy-filled praise.
This book is the latest addition to Ligonier’s expanding library of Spanish-translated resources. Also, did you know that we have a dedicated-language website in Spanish with even more teaching? These translation efforts are fueled by friends like you who generously support Ligonier’s global gospel outreach. Thank you for helping to extend the reach of trustworthy Bible teaching so that more people may come to know our sovereign God and grow as Christian disciples.
Available now from the Ligonier store. Read a sample chapter.