Book Sets from Reformation Trust
This Christmas season we've grouped several similar Reformation Trust titles together and are offering them at a lower cost. Take an opportunity to purchase a book set for you, a loved one, or your pastor.
R.C. Sproul Book Set
These titles by Dr. R.C. Sproul provide an excellent starting point for those unfamiliar with his clear, engaging presentation of biblical truths regarding Christian growth, redemption, and worship.
Set includes 5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, The Truth of the Cross, and A Taste of Heaven. Now just $27.
John Calvin Book Set
In 2009, we celebrate the 500th birthday of John Calvin. His life, ministry, and teachings have made a great contribution to systematic theology and are of great importance even for the twenty-first century church. These books celebrate the legacy of this reformer.
Set includes Living for God's Glory by Joel Beeke, John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology edited by Burk Parsons, and The Expository Genius of John Calvin by Steven Lawson. Now just $34.80.
RT Authors Book Set
Reformation Trust authors Steven J. Lawson, Sinclair B. Ferguson, and Richard D. Phillips provide trusted resources for your library as they explore topics such as the doctrines of grace, election, evangelism, and the supremacy of Christ.
Set includes Foundations of Grace by Steven Lawson, In Christ Alone by Sinclair Ferguson, and Jesus the Evangelist by Richard Phillips. Now just $39.
Children's Book Set
Young children learn about God through stories and other materials tailored especially for them. These books by R.C. Sproul and Susan Hunt present the deep truths of the Bible on a level children can readily understand.
Set includes Sammy and His Shepherd by Susan Hunt, The Lightlings by R.C. Sproul, and The Prince's Poison Cup by R.C. Sproul. Now just $31.80.
(Available now for a limited time. No substitutions or variations in book sets are allowed.)