Best of 2014: Tabletalk Magazine

We've gone back and collected some of the most popular Tabletalk articles from 2014. Don't forget it's only $23 a year to subscribe to Tabletalk, and $20 to renew. You can even try it free for three months.
Praying for Our Children's Salvation by Joel Beeke
"There is nothing automatic about salvation. There is no room for mere presumption; Christian parenting is an enterprise of faith. God's promise gives us a solid foundation for all our prayers and for all our hopes for our children. But He also commands us to use the appointed means to obtain His good gifts."
Cultural Engagement by Russell Moore
"In a day when many people are (rightly) seeking to think through ways to engage the culture with the gospel of Christ, it seems that the Bible, in Acts 17, gives us a pattern for doing so in a way that some might not expect—by embracing the "freakishness" of the gospel."
The Fall of a Believer by R.C. Sproul
"This question of whether a person can lose his salvation is not an abstract question. It touches us at the very core of our Christian lives, not only with regard to our concerns for our own perseverance, but also with regard to our concern for our family and friends, particularly those who seemed, for all outward appearances, to have made a genuine profession of faith..."
Preaching the Wrath of God by Steven Lawson
"The preaching of divine wrath serves as a black velvet backdrop that causes the diamond of God's mercy to shine brighter than ten thousand suns. It is upon the dark canvas of divine wrath that the splendor of His saving grace most fully radiates..."
Ministry to Grieving Parents by Nancy Guthrie
"When we witness the anguish, the anger, the questions, the devastation that comes to families that experience the death of a child, we find ourselves desperate to figure out what we can do, what we can say, that will truly help."
The Ordinary Christian Life by Michael Horton
"If gradual growth in Christ is exchanged for a radical experience, it is not surprising that many begin looking for the Next Big Thing as the latest crisis experience wears off. Even in my own lifetime, I've witnessed—and participated in—a parade of radical movements..."
Radically Ordinary by Burk Parsons
"Although not every Christian is called to serve God in a foreign country, every Christian is a foreigner in his own country—a citizen of heaven—and an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Every Christian is called out of darkness and into the light, and then called to go back into the darkness to shine—wherever God places him."
Glorifying God in the Routines by Gloria Furman
"It's tempting to view everyday life as a monotonous cycle of making your bed only to lie in it again. Our perspective on the everyday business of our lives is important because when we forget about God's activity in the world, we become functionally hopeless."
The Secret to a Happy Life by R.C. Sproul
"If there’s anything that we ought to be in a passionate quest to achieve, it's the grace of God. By definition, grace is not something you can earn. You can receive grace only if God in His mercy gives it to you. It's a gift."
The Historical Reality of Adam by Guy Waters
"If we reject the Bible’s account of a historical point of entry for sin into human existence, then, as Richard Gaffin has rightly observed, sin is no longer a matter of "human fallenness." It is a matter of "human givenness." It is just the way that human beings are."
Faithful Gardening by Travis Allen
"It’s time to weed the garden. Let's eradicate every noxious, thorny strategy rooted in pragmatism. Not only does pragmatism undermine the consistency of our theology and practice, but it's choking out the good fruit of a principle-driven, convictional ministry grounded in God's Word."
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