Best of 2011: Ligonier Blog

To mark the beginning of this new year, we've gone back and collected some of the most popular blog posts of 2011.
5 Things I'm Surprised I Can't Find in the Bible by R.C. Sproul Jr.
"His Word is perspicuous, that is clear, and understandable. Not all of the Bible, however, is as clear as all the rest."
What Is R.C. Sproul's Position on Creation? by R.C. Sproul
"I trust Scripture before I trust the speculations and inferences of scientists."
Does Writing 'Xmas' Take Christ out of Christmas? by R.C. Sproul
"There’s a long and sacred history of the use of X to symbolize the name of Christ..."
The Legacy of R.C. Sproul and John Piper by Justin Taylor
"When their earthly course is completed, I believe this will be the legacy of R. C. Sproul and John Piper: they labored by the grace of God to leave us with a vision of God."
The End of the World According to Harold Camping by Robert Godfrey
"I first met Camping in the late 1950s...I pray for him that the Lord will deliver him from the serious errors into which he has fallen.
Deserving Nothing by Sinclair Ferguson
"Religious people are always profoundly disturbed when they discover that they are not, and never have been, true Christians."
Church History: Recommended Reading by Keith Mathison
"...what are some of the more helpful books for students of church history?"
The Place of God's Disfavor by R.C. Sproul
"I suppose there is no topic in Christian theology more difficult to deal with, particularly on an emotional level, than the doctrine of hell."
Parents, Give Children Clear Instructions by Joel Beeke
"Give children clear instructions. You will not have to employ corrective discipline as much when both of you understand what is expected."
The Reformation and the Men Behind It by Steven Lawson
"The Protestant Reformation stands as the most far-reaching, world-changing display of God’s grace since the birth and early expansion of the church...Who were the key leaders who stoked its flames?"
Thank you for your support as you've read and shared our posts with family and friends. We look forward, Lord willing, to another edifying and God glorifying year in 2012 on the Ligonier Blog.