Announcing Our Dedicated-Language Website in Korean

With gratitude to God, Ligonier Ministries is pleased to announce its new dedicated-language website in Korean, a language spoken by more than 80 million people.
Over the last two decades, Korean Christians have played a significant role in global missions. According to a recent report, South Korea is among the top missionary-sending countries. Despite the spreading of the gospel in South Korea, Christians there today are facing waves of false teachings including liberalism, the prosperity “gospel,” mysticism, and a seeker-sensitive mindset that is hindering the bold proclamation of the gospel and clear teaching of the holiness of God. The situation for Christians in North Korea, in contrast, remains acute. North Korea, led by its atheist totalitarian regime, ruthlessly suppresses believers and is perhaps the most dangerous country on earth for Christians. Yet some avenues remain for the gospel, even in this land of intense persecution.
Thanks to the generous support of friends such as you, Ligonier is now stepping forward to supply trustworthy Bible teaching in Korean that exalts the holiness and grace of God, equipping the church for Christian discipleship and gospel outreach.
After years of prayer and preparation, we have launched a dedicated-language website in Korean,, as well as Korean Facebook and Instagram accounts, to share trusted teaching and discipleship resources from Dr. R.C. Sproul and other gifted teachers. The website features articles, historic creeds and confessions, and the Ligonier Statement on Christology. Newly translated articles will be uploaded in Korean every week, and new digital content, including books and videos, will be added in the coming months as the Lord enables. This important work will be led by our Korean Outreach Manager, Rev. Joo Young Kang, with the support of our International Outreach team.
Please join us in praying that this new online outreach will help promote a Korean reformation and make a deep impact on the global church. In addition, your generous financial support helps Korean Christians faithfully bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.
With the launch of this dedicated-language outreach in Korean, teaching from Ligonier is now available in nine languages, including the world’s five most-spoken languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish. Ligonier also has dedicated websites in Farsi, French, and Portuguese, and by God’s grace, more are on the way. We give thanks to our sovereign and gracious God for these manifold opportunities to build up growing Christians around the world in the eternal truth of Scripture.
None of this global gospel outreach would be possible without the ongoing prayers and financial generosity of friends such as you. Thank you for giving to help translate, publish, and distribute biblical teaching that is grounded in the historic Christian faith, all so that more people in more places may be awakened to the holiness of God. To Him belongs all the glory.