Mar 1, 2018

The Affectionate Theology of Richard Sibbes, New from Mark Dever and Reformation Trust

2 Min Read

In a time of political turmoil and religious upheaval, Richard Sibbes preached Reformed theology with heartfelt zeal. Known as “the quintessential Puritan,” Sibbes preached no dry doctrine but instead applied the theology of the Reformation to his hearers’ lives, especially in the areas of the assurance of salvation and the place of the heart in the Christian life.

In The Affectionate Theology of Richard Sibbes, Dr. Mark Dever introduces us to the life and theology of this fascinating 17th-century figure. This book is the latest installment to the A Long Line of Godly Men Profile series edited by Dr. Steven J. Lawson.

“Richard Sibbes soaked strong theology in sweet love for Christ and tender mercy to broken-hearted sinners, making him a stellar example of Reformed experiential Christianity… Dever’s thorough historical research illuminates the life of this moderate Puritan, of whom it was said, ‘Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.’”

—Dr. Joel R. Beeke
President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI

“Richard Sibbes, once called the ‘sweet dropper of grace,’ is an important, but sadly neglected Puritan writer. Mark Dever’s fine book helpfully puts Sibbes into context and the vitality of his theology for his day and ours.”

—Dr. W. Robert Godfrey
President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History
Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, CA


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Dr. Mark Dever is senior minister of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and is an author and speaker for 9Marks, a ministry concerned with biblical church reform.