2023 Ontario Conference (Salt & Light) Media

1 Min Read
You can now freely stream the messages from Salt & Light, our recent conference in Ontario, on Ligonier.org, the Ligonier app, and YouTube.
- Blessed Are You by Burk Parsons
- Fulfilling the Law by Derek Thomas
- Matters of the Heart by W. Robert Godfrey
- Generous Love by W. Robert Godfrey
- Panel Discussion: Living as Christians in the World with Challies, Godfrey and VanDoodewaard
You can also watch the messages from our pre-conference event, The Pastor as Shepherd.
- Pay Careful Attention by Burk Parsons
- Pursuing Integrity by Derek Thomas
- Feeding the Flock by Burk Parsons
- Servants of God’s People by Derek Thomas
Please share these messages with others to encourage them to study Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount and to consider how to live by His example before a watching world.
You can also keep these digital messages forever when you purchase the conference collection from our online store. This allows you to listen to the messages anytime in your Learning Library.
If you weren’t able to join us in Ontario, we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.