2018 West Coast Conference: Day 1

2 Min Read
Yesterday marked the beginning of our 2018 West Coast Conference in Seattle. Thousands of attendees from around world joined us for two days of teaching and fellowship. Our speakers included W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Ravi Zacharias.
You can join the conversation by following #ligcon on Twitter and Instagram. Watch live or go back and watch sessions you may have missed on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. And stay tuned for an announcement on the blog next week when the messages are available to stream for free on Ligonier.org and in the Ligonier app.
See below for a summary from yesterday:
2018 West Coast Conference
The Faith Once for All Delivered from Burk Parsons
Dr. Burk Parsons opened our West Coast Conference by considering the challenges of our post-Christian culture. From the Epistle of Jude, he discussed the threats inside and outside the church that make it necessary for us to know and contend for the faith.
Always Ready from Stephen Nichols
Dr. Stephen Nichols then turned to Peter 3:15–16 and reflected on the call to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us. He looked at some of the most pressing issues facing Christian apologists today.
You can watch these sessions below.
The Unknown God from W. Robert Godfrey
After dinner, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey discussed how the Apostle Paul responded to objections to the Christian faith on Mars Hill. Looking back to Paul’s example, he described how Christians today must answer the claims of atheists, agnostics, and those who think that there are many ways to God.
Is Truth Dead? from Ravi Zacharias
In our final session for the day, Ravi Zacharias considered how our postmodern culture strives to convince us that no religious truth claim is better than any other. He explained that objective truth is foundational to the Christian message—and all of life.
You can watch these sessions below.