2018 Ireland Study Tours

Join us for a round-trip Ireland Study Tour leaving from Belfast, Northern Ireland, as we consider how the Reformation phrase soli Deo gloria encapsulates the goal of the Reformation. We are offering two tours: a 9-day study tour designed with affordability in mind beginning September 26 with Dr. Burk Parsons, and an 11-day study tour beginning October 8 with Dr. Derek Thomas. Each tour will look at the purpose of the five solas in relation to the glory of God, as well as provide an opportunity to explore the beauty of God’s creation in Ireland. Reserve your spot today by contacting our travel partner Sovereign Experiences at 877-661-6458 or learn more at LigonierTours.com.
You may also join us in between both study tours, October 5-6, for a regional conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland, titled “After Darkness, Light.” Drs. Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, Burk Parsons, Michael Reeves, and Derek Thomas will explore the history and legacy of the Reformation and explain how we must continue the work of the Reformers today. Tuition is free when you join us for one of these tours. Learn more