2016 West Coast Conference: Day 1
Today marked the beginning of our West Coast Conference in Seattle. Over two days, we will consider the gospel and be exhorted not to compromise the bold historical witness of the Christian faith. You can join the conversation by following #ligcon on Twitter and Instagram.
Below is a summary and several highlights from today:
Pre-Conference: Digital Disciples
I was joined by Tim Challies for this year's pre-conference, Digital Disciples. The widespread use of computers, video games, smart phones, social media, and the Internet has changed the way we acquire information, interact with one another, and view the world. We addressed how Christians should respond to these developments and what the Christian life should look like in a digital world.
2016 West Coast Conference
Chosen in Christ: God's Eternal Plan of Redemption from Derek Thomas
Dr. Derek Thomas opened our West Coast Conference by examining God's eternal plan of redemption. He spoke on the five blessings Paul records in Ephesians 1: 1-14: election, adoption, redemption, illumination, and sealing.
No Hope Without It: The Life of Christ from Joel Beeke
Dr. Joel Beeke then turned to Luke 22 and expounded upon Christ's offices as Prophet, Priest, and King. He reminded us that despite the attacks of Satan, Jesus prays for us and our hope should only be found in Him.
Why the God Man: The Mystery of Incarnation from Owen Strachan
After dinner, Dr. Owen Strachan explored the two natures of Christ. He addressed how both the human and divine natures of Christ answer the important question, "why the God-Man?" and how this doctrine applies to the Christian life.
The Gospel as Historical Fact from Steven Lawson
In our final session for the day, Dr. Steven Lawson addressed the gospel from Romans 1. Focusing on the gospel as historical fact, he looked into the source, the exclusivity, and the antiquity of this good news.
Social Media Highlights
A photo posted by Ligonier Ministries (@ligonier) on Jun 3, 2016 at 2:42pm PDT
A photo posted by Ligonier Ministries (@ligonier) on Jun 3, 2016 at 3:04pm PDT
What God has begun to do in you began in eternity and ends in eternity. —@DerekWHThomas #ligcon pic.twitter.com/PM5PgZyVCF
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 3, 2016
.@JoelBeeke presenting @DrStevenJLawson with his festschrift, Pulpit Aflame: #ligcon pic.twitter.com/qoi1fniE0s
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 4, 2016
A photo posted by Ligonier Ministries (@ligonier) on Jun 3, 2016 at 8:28pm PDT
The gospel is God's. None of us may tamper with this message. —@DrStevenJLawson #ligcon pic.twitter.com/1qSMBRgVFb
— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) June 4, 2016
Stay tuned for an announcement on the blog next week when the messages from our 2016 West Coast Conference are available to stream for free.