2014 West Coast Conference — Audio and Video Now Available

2 Min Read
"By His life, death, and resurrection, our Savior has conquered our enemies, and by His Spirit He has granted us to share in the victory." —R.C. Sproul
Last week we held our 2014 West Conference on the theme, Overcoming the World. This conference sought to consider what Scripture says about confronting worldliness, defending the faith, living as a faithful remnant, and understanding biblical ethics.
We are now pleased to announce that the audio and video from each session are available either to purchase or stream for free:
- Big Brother Is Watching You by R.C. Sproul Jr.
- Sexual Devolution by Albert Mohler
- War of the Worldviews by R.C. Sproul Jr.
- Questions & Answers
- Welcome to the Machine by Albert Mohler
- Darwin: A Myth for the Post Christian Mind by Stephen Meyer
- Post-Christian Christianity by R.C. Sproul
Optional Sessions:
- The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts by Douglas Bond
- Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by R.C. Sproul Jr.
We hope to see many of you at our other events this year, including our free Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College and October's Regional Conference in Philadelphia.