May 3, 2011

An 11th Century Reformer

1 Min Read

In this month's editorial introduction to the May issue of Tabletalk--an issue that looks to the church of the 11th century--Burk Parsons writes about a little-known Christian monarch. "Queen Margaret of Scotland (c. 1045–1093) is barely mentioned in the annals of church history. Nevertheless, she was used of God mightily in eleventh-century Scotland. While the first crusade raged, while schism rent the church in the East, and while Anselm ministered in her homeland of England, Margaret was on her knees praying earnestly for her husband, the king of Scotland. Legend has it that as a new queen, Margaret would quietly slip out at night to a nearby cavern to pray for her husband’s conversion to Christ."

The Lord saw fit to answer those prayers. "At first, she was suspected of treason in plotting against her husband’s kingdom; however, she was vindicated in time as King Malcolm was converted and transformed, which, in turn, brought about transformation of his royal court and, ultimately, the nation of Scotland."

Read more about this 11th Century Reformer.