February 09, 2022

Perseverance of the Saints

R.C. Sproul
Perseverance of the Saints

If our perseverance in faith depended on us, we would fall away from Christ at any moment. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches that the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints rests our confidence in God’s faithfulness to His promises.


Our confidence in the perseverance of the saints is not a confidence that rests in the flesh, where we look at ourselves and we say, “Well, I’m never going to fall away. I’m much too dedicated,”—sounding like Simon Peter in the upper room. In fact, I don’t even like the term perseverance. I like the term preservation. The only reason we persevere, the only reason we can persevere, is because God preserves us. If it were left to ourselves, we could fall at any moment. Satan could sift us like wheat. But our confidence in the final chapter of our salvation rests in the promises of God to finish what He has started and rests upon the efficacy of the Great High Priest that we have, who intercedes for us every day. He will preserve us.