Apr 26, 2011

Worship Matters

2 Min Read

John Starke writes, "Besides the preaching of God’s Word, there’s been much debate on what else we should do during our services." In response to a growing interest in the use of liturgical elements in worship, The Gospel Coalition recently posted a few responses to the question, "To what extent does your church use liturgical elements such as responsive readings and creeds? Why?"

In light of this discussion, here are further resources to help address public worship, discernment in worship, the regulative principle of worship, legalism, liturgy, and Christian freedom. (All articles are taken from the July 2010 issue of Tabletalk Magazine, "Worship Matters".)

Burk Parsons on "Life and Worship Matters"

Many Christians are under the impression that worship is confined to those specific times of corporate worship when we’re singing. God’s Word, however, teaches us that singing is only one part of the worship service and that our prayers, affirmations, confessions of sin, Scripture readings, sermons, and singing are all parts of corporate worship.

R.C. Sproul on "When to Stop, When to Go, When to Slow Down"

In every age and in every culture, discerning the difference between that which God requires and prohibits for His people, and that which is indifferent, requires a significant knowledge of sacred Scripture, as well as an earnest desire to be obedient to the Lord.

Derek Thomas on "The Regulative Principle of Worship"

The regulative principle of worship states that the corporate worship of God is to be founded upon specific directions of Scripture. On the surface, it is difficult to see why anyone who values the authority of Scripture would find such a principle objectionable.

R.J. Gore Jr. on "Adiaphora in Worship"

At what point does one cross the line from “connected to worship” to “significant part of worship”? For example, shall we accompany our singing with instruments? Should non-inspired hymns be sung or only psalms? Are choirs acceptable? Are these adiaphora? Or do they constitute a significant part of worship, thus exceeding the bounds of circumstances?

Richard Phillips on "No Room for Indifference"

The freedom for which Christ purchased us was not freedom to drink beer, watch movies, or play video games, but freedom from the curse of our sins. I praise God for Reformed theology’s faithfulness to the Bible’s teaching on Christian liberty in matters of indifference. But I do not glory in that freedom.