May 21, 2013

What Stories Do

1 Min Read

Here's an excerpt from What Stories Do, Sally Lloyd-Jones' contribution to the May issue of Tabletalk.

Almost overnight, my eight-year-old niece went from being a vivacious little girl who sang her way through life—as if she were singing the soundtrack of her own life the movie—and became a frightened, withdrawn child who spoke so softly you could barely hear her. It was as if she were literally losing her voice, losing herself. And then we found out she was being bullied at school.

Later, she told me that she thought she wouldn't get in trouble if she tried not to be herself. It broke my heart, and I wished she had a book to read before school to hear what God says about her, not what those bullies were saying about her. So I thought I better write one—it's called Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, and it has become a book of hope for children.

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