Jul 13, 2014

Social Media Highlights (07/13/14)

2 Min Read

Here are highlights from our various Facebook and Twitter accounts over the past week.

God doesn't need our consent in order to govern us. He made us. —RC Sproul

— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 7, 2014

Right thinking about the truth of the gospel motivates right living in the power of the gospel. —Sinclair Ferguson http://t.co/wcATkWzHrZ

— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) July 7, 2014

You don't give God authority over your life. He has it, totally (@JohnPiper).

— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) July 9, 2014

This week, Stephen Nichols introduces us to the martyr and pre-Reformer Savonarola: http://t.co/hBXw4IzZ9N

— 5MinInChurchHistory (@5ChurchHistory) July 9, 2014

In most books we can disregard a passage that we don't agree with. The Bible is different. Scripture evaluates us: http://t.co/Y1RWmA2bT2

— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 9, 2014

The Great Commission means telling Christ's story, not yours, by @TrevinWax. http://t.co/eJEpU1593Q via @TGC

— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) July 9, 2014

Nobody has ever been a victim of injustice at the hands of God. —RC Sproul #reformed #reformedtheology #rcsproul pic.twitter.com/BT82lg1j5s

— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) July 10, 2014