Dec 13, 2012

Hope for Prodigal Children

1 Min Read

Here's an excerpt from Hope for Prodigal Children, Burk Parsons' contribution to the December issue of Tabletalk.

As a pastor, I am often faced with the difficulty of counseling deeply saddened fathers and mothers with prodigal sons and daughters. Parents who enter my study for counsel and prayer are usually trying to come to grips with the harsh reality about a prodigal (lavishly wasteful) son or daughter. The child they have loved, prayed for, educated, nurtured, protected, and discipled has left everything to chase after the fleeting pleasures of the world, forsaking not only their father's home but their father's faith. There are likely many parents and grandparents reading this who have prodigal children or grandchildren, and they are greatly burdened for their souls, praying they would come to the end of themselves, trust Christ, and come home.

Continue reading Hope for Prodigal Children online or learn more about the digital edition of Tabletalk.