Feb 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr. Sproul

10 Min Read

Saturday, February 13th, is Dr. R.C. Sproul's birthday. We recently sent out a letter asking friends of Ligonier to share a word of greeting, thanks or encouragement to Dr. Sproul. We were overwhelmed with the response and immediately began to give God all praise and glory for the extent of Dr. Sproul's ministry impact. We thought you would enjoy reading a few:

Happy Birthday! I wanted to express my thanks for all the years of helping me to “renew my mind.” Since I was a young man of 8 or 9 I have been listening to Renewing Your Mind_. I have fond memories of driving the tractor at night on our family farm while listening to your radio program! Thank You! May God Bless You!_ —Levi

Happy Blessed Birthday! We try to listen daily to your broadcast. Everyone here knows to be quiet at 8:30AM (KTIS)!! Thank you for your helpful Biblical instruction. Four generations living together! Sort of like yo__u! —Clement family

I love listening to your program every morning at 5:30AM. Several years ago I visited my sister and her husband in Guatemala (missionaries). One night at their church I was privileged to hear your video in Spanish on the Holiness of God. It was a real blessing, even in Spanish! I pray you’ll be able to continue serving the Lord in proclaiming His Word! —Phyllis

EVERYDAY begins and ends in THE WORD, thanks to what you bring to me! I’m an all-night pharmacist, alone, so I can listen as long as I’ve got some RC Sproul CD’s. You’ve taught me to LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART...it’s never enough, I want more and then Renewing Your Mind comes on the radio for the drive home! I hear what you say, I understand, i.e. “concept of justice is always measured by righteousness.” Keep up the good work—We need You. Much love and prayers. —Joy

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your teaching and that contained in the Tabletalk studies have prepared me to be a godly husband, father and servant to the Lord. I give praise to God for your witness to Him! In Jesus’ name. —L.L.

A 33rd generation, direct descendant of Mohammad (prophet of Islam) was converted to Christ through your teachings. The Bible is a deep and endless treasure; you cast the light that helps me find my way around this treasure and avoid getting lost. Please, never even think about slowing down, you are one of the very best soldiers on Christ’s team. We love you and wish you a joyful birthday. —K.J. and family

God has used you and RYM to turn my life upside-down. My fundamentalist upbringing taught me that “faith” and “reason” could not coexist. In my college years I chose reason and left my faith behind. But your teaching has shown me that faith and reason are actually the best of friends. I thank God for you! Happy Birthday! —Kevin

As a rural mail carrier over 20 year ago, listening in my Jeep to the local Christian station airing “The Holiness of God” series, you awakened me to the doctrines of grace and introduced me to the Reformed Faith. That ruined me for anything less and initiated my pursuit of the whole counsel of God. Thank you for your faithful teaching! —Mary

For 20 years you have been part of my “diet” RC and I feel there should be a warning label on your messages — “Spiritual Weight Gain to be Expected.” Thank you for the hundreds of delicious meals you have served up. By Grace Alone, —C.H.

It gladdens my heart to be able to write to you. While you were taking your time to study and learn God’s Word, I was going my merry beer drinking way. So much so that I wound up with a seven year prison sentence for a bar fight. By the pure Grace of God, He lifted me from that miry pit and set me clean, on His table land. By your clear understanding and teaching of God’s Word, (and I can’t tell you how much that has meant to me) I have now come to the point that I teach Men’s Sunday School class at our church. Without the very strong effort you put forth to learn and teach, this most likely would not have been possible. Thank you more than I can say. —R.G.

An insurance salesman introduced me to your book The Holiness of God and I haven’t been the same since. I’ve taught several adult Sunday School classes using your materials. I’ve read several of your books. I’ve been a Catholic and I’ve been a Lutheran and quite frankly, I believe your Reformed theology is the closest to the truth. Other churches throw out certain aspects of faith like they’re removing calories from beer. Anyways, I really appreciate what you’ve done. Happy Birthday and God bless you! —Del

_Greetings and Happy Birthday from Oregon! I actually look forward to getting up early weekday mornings, to make school lunches because I know you’ll be “hanging out” in the kitchen (radio) teaching God’s amazing Word! May God richly bless your birthday and every day He give you! Your God-given gifts have blessed us so much! “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…” Phil 1:3-_6 —Nicholas

Words and the Space on this card do not permit an adequate expression of my thankfulness and appreciation for having “found” your teaching resources (lectures, etc) which to this point, have been for the most gracious, healing, informing and timely spiritual nourishment I have ever received. I extend to you a warm handshake and best wishes and blessings as your birthday is celebrated. I’m so grateful our “paths” have crossed. —B.N.

I praise God for you, the hearing of the preached Word from your mouth since I was young. You have influenced me, my husband, my children, my mother...three generations…for Christ. May God, the Living God, God of heaven and earth, King of Glory bless Dr. R.C. —G.W. and family

I have breakfast with you every weekday morning as I begin my day. Your program is one of the highlights of each day. Thank you for your clear doctrinal messages. Thanks for keeping the faith! Blessings! —Mark and Jennifer

I wish you a very Happy Birthday! I am about to graduate from ASU with a degree in Philosophy, and my hope is to teach philosophy and apologetics at the high-school level to prepare Christian students for what they will face in the world. Your work has been a great resource and a wonderful inspiration to me. I thank God for the work that He has done through you, and I thank you for your faithfulness to Him and His children. —Jeremy

C.S. Lewis taught me that God is reasonable and intimate. John MacArthur taught me that Scripture is our chief guide. You have taught me how these go together. You have made it clear to me that God is reasonable, He is holy and he wants me to know Him and He wants to know me. I consider you a mentor and a role model. Thank you for loving Jesus and serving our God. —Even

I thank our Lord that he has led me to the pod cast of RYM. In this confused “Christian” world of psychobabble and soft peddled gospel, you are a beacon shining in the darkness. Thank you for your dedication to furthering the Kingdom. —Michael

I met you at the Orlando Conference years ago. You have blessed and equipped me in the ministry more than any other human being! Your ministry, books, tapes, C.D.’s, etc. have not only equipped and encouraged me but then it goes on to touch others (i.e., my seven children, wife) as I have ministered in Ukraine and China. —Rev. Greg

Happy Blessed Birthday, Dr. Sproul! Your ministry has surely had an impact on my “academic-nonbeliever” husband. While in the past he has refused to listen to the Word—now while on a road trip he asks if I brought “the big man along,” referring to your CDs. I’m thankful for how God is using you and now gradually others to begin the process of opening my husband’s heart, in His time. Thank you, too, for equipping me to stand strong in our awesome God! To Him be the Glory! Love in Christ to you and yours. —Josie

In 1994 when I had finally submitted to the authority of God’s Word in Scripture, your daily messages taught me, convinced me, chastised me and persuaded me on 91.5FM. I am grateful for the gifts God has given you to make clear what God has revealed. —Sara

I’m an actor based in Hollywood who has to travel all over the country to work. Often Renewing Your Mind’s internet broadcast in a late-night hotel room is the only “church” I can get. Thank you for all the years of teaching with intellectual rigor, yet with humility and gentleness. Blessings to you! —Brent

Your teaching has been an enormous influence in my walk with the Lord. To illustrate, I was converted the year before entering law school. During my 3 years of law school I often remarked that I read and listened to more of your teaching than case law! I just couldn’t (and still can’t) get enough! You have taught me to “think about everything theologically”!! Thank you! —Marc

Our women’s Bible study is currently in the middle of your study The Holiness of God_. We are all amazed at the transforming power in our lives as the truth is revealed to us. May you continue teaching for many more years to come! Thank you for your commitment to the Lord’s service._ —Nancy

Nearly 15 year ago, at the age of 16, I listened to your teaching on the Holiness of God. It profoundly affected me then and still continues to do so today. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Word of God. It is a joy to celebrate your life with you and Ligonier. God Bless You. —Andrew

Thank you for all you do to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Your faithful proclamation of His Word and dedication to edifying His Church have helped give me the education I should have received (but sadly, did not) in my liberal seminary. May God continue to bless you and keep you. Have a Happy Birthday and a grace-filled year. —Rev. Daniel

I can’t even begin to tell you the impact your ministry has had on my life. I learn from you everyday on Renewing Your Mind radio. It is a major influence on my thinking about God and putting Him first in my life; remembering to fear Him because He is a Holy God. Your teaching is clear, intelligent and convicting. Thank you for all you do to help us grow in Him. Happy Birthday!! —Barbara

Thank you for bringing the seminary training to the layperson. Your material was critical to my growth as a Christian in college. You helped me to see the majesty and glory of God and communicate His greatness to others. Continue in what you do for this information needs to become commonplace for the laity so that we will have more laborers fully equipped to the work of our Lord. Soli Deo Gloria. —Shawn

Your ministry has been the most influential of my life. I began spiritual growth at an accelerated pace when I discovered & accessed your broadcast on KQCV (OKC,OK). Though I had sporadic Sunday School teaching opportunities, I frequently moved to other states. That involved loss of close friends. Listening to you on Christian radio became an obsession to me. I consider my Partnership vital in my sanctification. Now I often share doctrine in two ministires—1) weekly to women prisoners in Bible Study, and 2) Sunday AM’s when I preach at a site with both nursing home and assisted living residents. I also love having access to books of your. It is a thrill and joy to support Ligonier. I love you. Thank you. —Jim

I am 53 years old. I am one of those churched kids who grew up in a Christian home, sat quietly through family worship 6 days a week, sat restlessly through annual business meetings of the church (wishing I could be elsewhere), pondered A LOT the certainty of heaven and hell, the throne of God and the deaths of believers. I married a fine Christian fella, who has improved with age and maturity. I am now living with cancer and Parkinson’s Disease. I rejoice in knowing Jesus and am counting on Him to go with me all the way. (Deut. 31:8) We thank you for your service and ministry to many, many people you have presented truth, food for thought and big ideas on which to think and mull over. We need those, if only to encourage us to view the possibilities. God at work is the key. Happy Birthday! —Jim and Louise

Dr. Sproul, about a year ago, you sent my husband and I a copy of your new book The Prince’s Poison Cup_. After much prayer, I took it to my workplace, a public elementary school, to read it to my kids. The kids I work with are aged kindergarten through 5th grade, about 75 kids in all. I began to read your book, not sure how these kids—most of whom are not religious and are exposed to all types of media and entertainment—would receive this story. To my amazement, as I read, the entire room hushed. I looked at the kids and was astonished to see that I had their entire attention. This NEVER happens!!! I stopped reading halfway through and closed the book, and was besieged by moans, groans and exclamations of, “No, don’t stop now! Come on.” (Usually they are relieved when I stop—it means it’s time for a snack.) The next day I got the book out and the kids, excited now, all shushed on their own accord. I began to ask questions about what I read the day before—and they got them all correct! I finished the story and asked more questions. (I couldn’t use the ones in the back of the book—it’s a public school and I do like my job.) Once my questions were answered, I opened up the floor for comments. To my surprise and job, a young boy, who I know to love the Lord, stood up and proceeded to tell the group that this is exactly what Jesus had done for them. Holy cow! I almost started crying! God is so amazing! I cannot witness verbally to these children (legally) but they can! What a blessing. Thank you so much. Your books are truly being used by our Lord. I know that the Holy Spirit was present in the room and I look forward to reading more books like this to my kids. God bless you on this day and everyday._ —Mindy

For many of us Dr. Sproul is a beloved teacher from whom we have learned much. Thank you for helping the Ligonier staff make this day special for Dr. Sproul. By God's grace, he remains healthy and active in preaching, teaching, and writing. We are grateful for his faithfulness to God's call to share the Gospel and to proclaim God's character.