Dec 22, 2018

God and the Ten Commandments

1 Min Read

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt until God intervened to rescue them under the leadership of Moses. God brought them miraculously through the Red Sea and then to the foot of Mount Sinai. But what was His purpose in bringing them there?

In today’s message from his video teaching series Dust to Glory, R.C. Sproul describes what happened at Mount Sinai. In thunder, lightning, and a cloud as thick as smoke, the Lord descended on the mountain. His presence was both dramatic and terrifying. And then He spoke: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me” (Exod. 20:2–3).

The Lord was giving the Israelites the Ten Commandments, chiseling them into stone tablets with His own hand. Not only would these commandments lay the foundation for the law of the old covenant, but they would teach God’s people who He is and how to worship Him.

Watch today’s message, or for a limited time, request your copy of the full teaching series Dust to Glory for a donation of any amount. You can also dig deeper into the Scriptures with the Reformation Study Bible.
