Aug 3, 2010

Daily Confession, Enduring Reform

1 Min Read

In this introductory article to the August edition of Tabletalk, Burk Parsons writes about confession and the Roman Catholic sacrament of penance. "Although historically Rome has taught the necessity of both private and public confession of sin, many Catholics have been persuaded that only when they confess their sins to their priests, are absolved, and do penance that they really possess the forgiveness of God."

Parsons then introduces us to Simeon, a tenth-century Christian who called the church to more than mere outward performance. "Through the centuries the Lord has continued to sustain and reform His church by raising up faithful men to proclaim His gospel and to call His people to live coram Deo, before His face, in genuine repentance, humble confession, and authentic faith leading to a life wholeheartedly devoted to God."

Read it at Tabletalk