Thursday, March 15 2012

Start End Description Speaker
1:00 p.m. 2:10 p.m.

Have You Lost Your Mind?

Christians today often do not think. Logic is considered worldly while contradiction is prized as a hallmark of true faith. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul will provide an overview and introduction to the sad state of the Christian mind today, providing real world illustrations and examples of some of the problems we must overcome.

R.C. Sproul
2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m.

We Don’t Need No Education

At one time, Christians, particularly Reformed Christians, were the intellectual leaders in America, but this is no longer the case. We are largely marginalized and have abdicated intellectual leadership to secularists. In this message, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey examines the role that anti-intellectualism played in this self-inflicted problem and what we must do to turn it around. 

Robert Godfrey
4:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Questions & Answers

Speaker Panel
5:55 p.m. 6:25 p.m.

OPTIONAL SESSION: Parenting by God's Promises

Joel Beeke
6:25 p.m. 6:55 p.m.

OPTIONAL SESSION: Thriving at College

Alex Chediak
7:15 p.m. 8:15 p.m.

I've Got Half a Mind Too...

Our modern culture today is a theater of the absurd where irrationalism and relativism run rampant. We are told that Christianity may be “our truth,” but it isn’t everybody’s truth. In this message, Dr. Albert Mohler looks at the roots of today’s irrationalism, exposes it’s dangers, and explains how we as Christians should respond to it and inoculate ourselves against it.

Albert Mohler

Friday, March 16 2012

Start End Description Speaker
8:15 a.m. 9:25 a.m.

The (True) Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

One of the most serious scandals of the evangelical mind is the fact that it has lost any coherent grasp of the “evangel” – the gospel. Among those claiming to be evangelicals, substitutionary atonement, imputation, and justification are all denied. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. reminds us that we cannot have a Christian mind without the Christian gospel.

R.C. Sproul Jr.
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Losing My Religion

Even among those who hold to the basic truths of the Christian gospel, there is a tendency to remain content with milk and never strive to dig into the meat of the Word. Doctrinal shallowness is endemic and accepted. In this message, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson encourages us all to wrestle with the deep things of God and to stretch ourselves by reading some of the great theologians of the past.

Sinclair Ferguson
11:20 a.m. 12:20 p.m.

Rock of Ages & the Ages of Rocks

The contemporary media portrays the relationship between science and Christianity as one of perpetual conflict and warfare. But it was not always so, as many of the most prominent scientists in history were faithful Christians. In this message, Dr. Stephen Meyer explains why the two, when properly understood, are not in conflict and reminds us that Scripture and creation can never ultimately contradict each other.

Stephen Meyer
12:45 p.m. 2:10 p.m.

OPTIONAL SESSION: White Horse Inn Live Taping & Audience Q&A

Growing in Grace & Knowledge

Knowledge and truth have fallen on hard times in contemporary American culture. We are distracted from thinking deeply about anything because we are too busy focusing on ourselves and our own entertainment. Sadly, this problem is not merely “out there,” in the world. Overnight, contemporary churches have become entertainment centers and purveyors of self-centered spirituality. Encouraged by smiling television preachers to have our best life now, modern Christians have almost lost sight of Jesus and his saving work. We desperately need to follow the advice of the Apostle Peter, who encouraged believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). That’s what’s on tap for this special live taping of the White Horse Inn: “know what you believe and why you believe it.”

Michael Horton
2:20 p.m. 3:20 p.m.

Round Table Discussion

Speaker Panel
4:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m.

The Fear Factor

In the centuries following the Enlightenment, the flood of challenges to Christianity has been ongoing, and in the last century they have increased at a rapid rate. Scientific advances have become challenges. As the world has grown smaller, encounters with other religions have also raised challenges. In this message, Dr. Michael Horton looks at the way many Christians have responded in fear rather than taking up the challenge and offering a reasoned defense of the faith.

Michael Horton
6:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m.

OPTIONAL SESSION: The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

Steven J. Lawson
6:45 p.m. 7:15 p.m.

OPTIONAL SESSION: Christ & Creativity

Michael Card
8:00 p.m. 8:50 p.m.

When Worlds Collide

Truth is coherent, and we weaken our defense of it when we deal with issues in an atomistic manner. In order to regain our Christian mind, we have to have a coherent, fully-orbed Christian worldview. In this message, Dr. Del Tackett explains the importance of a Christian worldview, what it entails, and how we articulate it.

Del Tackett

Saturday, March 17 2012

Start End Description Speaker
8:15 a.m. 9:20 a.m.

Ignorance Is Not Bliss

The apostle Paul knew his opponents’ views better than they did and never argued from a position of ignorance. In order to regain our Christian mind, we too must once again engage the world in a fully-informed way. In this message, Dr. Robert Godfrey explains the importance of training up a new generation of Christians who will reject anti-intellectualist approaches and engage the philosophical, scientific, and religious challenges of the day in a fully-informed, Christ exalting way. 

Robert Godfrey
9:25 a.m. 10:25 a.m.

Foolishness to the Greeks

Anti-intellectualism is not the only danger Christians face. Those who seek to reclaim the Christian mind face the opposite danger — allowing a desire to please God to mutate into pride and a vain desire for worldly respect. In this message, Dr. Steven Lawson explains how we must walk a fine line and never accommodate the gospel in an attempt to please the cultured despisers of Christianity. We have already seen the sad results of a previous attempt to do this in the nineteenth century. 

Steven Lawson
11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

Love the Lord Your God with All Your Mind

Ours is an age that emphasizes emotionalism and experience. Emotions and experiences are not necessarily bad things, but they should not be set up in opposition to the mind, to reason. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul exhorts us to remember that Jesus called us to love God with all of our hearts, with all of our souls, and with all of our minds.

R.C. Sproul