Mar 11, 2012

Twitter Highlights (3/11/12)

2 Min Read

Here are highlights from the various Ligonier Twitter accounts over the past week.

If John Calvin was the greatest theologian of the church, ...Spurgeon surely ranks as its greatest preacher —S. Lawson

— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) March 3, 2012

Feeding on Christ is the most enjoyable thing that could be done (Letham).

— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) March 5, 2012

@LigonierToday we have released another new course - The Person and Work of Christ, taught by Dr. R.C. Sproul

— Ligonier Connect (@LigonierConnect) March 6, 2012

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). He is the Seeker; we are the ones who are running. —R.C. Sproul

— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) March 6, 2012

When I cannot read, when I cannot think, when I cannot even pray, I can trust (J. Hudson Taylor).

— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) March 8, 2012

Just received copies of Michael Haykin's The Christian Lover in Portuguese. Now available from @EditoraFiel

— Reformation Trust (@RefTrust) March 9, 2012

Reformed theology so far transcends the mere five points of Calvinism that it is an entire worldview. —R.C. Sproul

— Ligonier Ministries (@Ligonier) March 9, 2012

You can also find our various ministries on Facebook:

Ligonier Ministries | Ligonier Academy | Ligonier Connect
Reformation Bible College | Reformation Trust | Tabletalk Magazine