May 30, 2013

Songs from Exile

1 Min Read

Here's an excerpt from Songs from Exile, an article written for Tabletalk by R.C. Sproul in 1997.

In exile the people of Israel faced the question: "How do you sing the Lord's song in a strange and foreign land?" The question is similar to that faced by contemporary American Christians. Ours is a spiritual exile as we confront a culture and government increasingly hostile to Christianity.

We look to Nehemiah for clues to guide our own pilgrimage in difficult times. Nehemiah was grief-stricken by the news of the condition of Jerusalem. The walls were broken down and its gates burned with fire. His first emotion over the sad loss of his heritage was grief. It was not bitterness or anger. Nehemiah wept and mourned as Jesus would later weep over the same city.

In his grief, Nehemiah moved to the next step, prayer and fasting. His prayer was first of all a prayer of adoration for the majestic awe of God and for His faithfulness to His people: "O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments."

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