Oct 23, 2008

Get a free copy of Chosen By God

1 Min Read

For a limited time, first-time ministry contacts can receive a free pocket-size copy of Dr. Sproul's book, Chosen by God, by signing our online guestbook.

chosen_by_God.jpgBecause of the widespread neglect and misunderstanding of the doctrine of predestination, many people cite this book not only as their introduction to R.C. Sproul's teaching, but also as the resource that profoundly shifted their attention to and understanding of the predestining grace of God. Dr. Sproul shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. One of Ligonier's most significant and popular books, Chosen by God shows why all serious Christians cannot afford to ignore this important biblical doctrine, but instead should embrace God's initiative in salvation.

This free book offer is only available to first-time ministry contacts and only through our online guestbook for a limited time. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.