Nov 8, 2010

By Faith, Not Fear

1 Min Read

"'Lions and tigers and bears, O my!' That’s not only one of the more memorable lines from cinematic history, it’s one of the more recognizable themes in contemporary discipleship. Sometimes fear of the enemies to our faith seems much more pronounced than faith in the object of our faith — the Lord Jesus Christ."

In By Faith, Not Fear, his article from the November issue of Tabletalk, Scotty Smith, pastor of worship, preaching, and teaching at Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee, asks and then seeks to answer this question: "What’s the connection between a concern to protect our kids from the dangers of life in our fallen world and a commitment to prepare them to live as kingdom-servants in that very same world — the world Jesus is committed to renew and restore?" To that end he offers "three areas that we parents and local parishes should take seriously as we seek to prepare our young people for life in the real world — God’s world."